思い出📔🖊 初めての沖縄旅行✈️
海は綺麗だし、とにかく景色が良くて最高🌺 今回は本島のみに留まってしまったので、次回は離島に行きたいな😊🌻
Memory📔🖊 It was the first time to go to Okinawa✈️
The ocean was unbelievably beautiful and every scenery was incredibly amazing🌺 This time I could visit only main island. So next time I want to go to another islands😊🌻
#tbt #throwbackthursday #travel #trip #memory #beautiful #enjoy #hadagoodtime #japanese #kanagawa #沖縄 #沖縄旅行 #海 #海が綺麗 #また行きたい #日本 #神奈川県民
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