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昼飯に兼ねてから噂で聞いていた加登屋食堂の唐揚げ定食を頂きに?と言うか挑戦しに来たと言っても過言じゃありません。3個5個7個と選べますが、大抵の方は絶対3個でもネバーギブアップ間違い無し!無理は禁物!一度お試し下さい💦もちろん味の方もめちゃジューシーでタレントさんも絶賛お墨付き!! 駐車場もありますが、お出掛けの際は土岐市駅前から東鉄バスが便利です。 釜屋敷バス停真横🚌🚌 Would you like to have the fried chicken set meal at Kadoya Shokudo, which I heard from rumors after serving as lunch? It is no exaggeration to say that I came to challenge. You can choose 3 pieces, 5 pieces, or 7 pieces, but most people will definitely give up even with 3 pieces! Do not overdo it! Please try it once 💦 Of course, the taste is very juicy and the talent is also acclaimed! !! There is a parking lot, but when you go out, the Totetsu bus is convenient from the front of Toki city station. Right next to the Kamayashiki bus stop 🚌🚌

2年前・42 views加登屋食堂(かどやしょくどう)
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