
(Can you be one if you hug me?)

The season is winter. The season of overflowing light gradually warms the morning. After you yawn, a little shy face smiles. At that time, I realized that That you are not alone.
The season is winter. This is the season when the grains of overflowing light gradually warm up the morning. After you have a big yawn, your face is pleasing a little shy. What I noticed is that I'm not alone. Do you have such a feeling of experience?(季節は冬。あふれた光の粒が徐々に朝を暖める季節になりました。あなたが大きなあくびをした後に、少し照れてる顔が微笑ましい。その時、気づいたのは僕は1人じゃないってこと。こんな経験みなさんもあるよね?)#ひとりじゃない #aumo#アート#山分け #ハート#芸術 #広告に#おでかけ #作品

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